Wondering who is behind the genius idea of MindfulChef? Three young entrepreneurs passionate about fitness and healthy living. 4Fitnessake was lucky enough to catch one of the super busy co-founders, Myles, and sit down with him for a cup of coffee and some curiosity questions.

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  1. Brief presentation of yourself – Who are you and what do you do for a living?

For the past 7 years I have worked as a Personal Trainer all over the globe, settling down in London for the past 2 years. Last year I set up Mindful Chef with 2 friends to try and make healthy eating easy and exciting for people.

  1. What’s your prime passion?

I love anything that involves moving. Whether that be training, sports, surfing or running around with my nephews I love being up and about. I’m obviously very interested in health and fitness but also have a passion in the health and wellness of other people. I believe if we all take a bit more care of our health it will transition into every part of our lives from our personal relationships to our work relationships.

  1. What’s your opinion on the health and fitness trend in London at the moment?

It’s booming! Having been speaking to lots of gym in January they are all recording record numbers of growth which is illustrating just how much interest people are starting to take in their health and wellness. I am really excited about the growth of group training in smaller gyms and studios. I think it’s an awesome concept and people have been really receptive to it.  

  1. What is at the base of Mindful Chef. – How did you, and the other co-founders, came up with the idea? Why?

We have all been interested in sports/fitness from a young age and having all worked in London noticed a trend of busy professionals working and partying hard but not taking much care of their health. Especially when it came to what they were eating. We are all from the Westcountry where we have been spoiled by great quality ingredients and produce. We wanted to bring this to people in London and show them that cooking great tasting, healthy food isn’t difficult. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be bland or boring and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time. We wanted to make healthy cooking fun and easy, using the best possible ingredients and suppliers we could.

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  1. Are you happy with the success of the company right now?

Extremely. We have recently gone through our first round of funding and have doubled the amount of orders we had at the end of 2015.

  1. What differentiates Mindful Chef from other companies that deliver pre-made food?

We aren’t pre prepped food. We want to encourage people to cook again. Cooking is meant to be enjoyable. Somewhere we seemed to lose this message and everyone has become too obsessed with work. We need to dedicate more time to looking after ourselves and take time away from work to enjoy life. Pre prepped food is great for a particular person but it is expensive and once you stop using it you are stuck in the same situation as before. By encouraging and teaching people how to cook healthy meals, it is a life skill they can keep forever. Long after they stop using Mindful Chef.

  1. Where do you see the company in 2 years down the line? Do you have any particular project in mind you can reveal?

I see us being a complete health and wellness package for customers. Taking care and offering them advice on all matters regarding their health and wellbeing. We have a new website being built right now and this will allow us to add lots of new exciting features and to Mindful Chef.

  1. What do you wish people can learn from Mindful Chef?

Healthy eating is easy, fun and delicious.

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  1. Something you want to add?

Take more of an interest in your health. From training to what you are eating, we only get one shot at life so why not make the most of it. Through training and a balanced diet you will be able to perform at a more optimal level. I don’t just mean in terms of workout out in a gym but in terms of how you will feel and interact with other people.

Feeling inspired … Order your first box HERE

If you want to know what was my experience like with Mindful Chef read THE REVIEW.
